3 Core Platforms to Choose From

Maybe you’re a newer agency or one that has struggled to reach your recruiting or profitability goals when you started… What do you do now?
You’re passionate about your business but need the building blocks to find success so that you can turn on your operation with all cylinders firing. IAMS Partners will consult with you to determine what your roadblocks have been and what you need to establish the framework for success.
Are you a growing agency that is seeing its recruiting take off but you need the core services and programs of a bigger, more sophisticated IMO?
Many firms excel at recruiting agents, but struggle to deliver a consistent value proposition that their agents can count on to grow their businesses. IAMS Partners can help you accelerate your firm’s growth by offering access to our full catalog of programs, services, and compensation levels needed to win.

Are you a self-sufficient insurance or self-sufficient IMO, broker-dealer, or RIA firm that needs a trusted and established IMO with top contracts, unique products, and selectable services to satisfy the needs of your established agent force?

Agency Max may be the best fit for your business. Many more established firms who have successfully built their own support services and programs need a strong partner who can offer limited access products to help complete their product catalog. In addition, the Agency Max platform is focused more on rewarding you through higher override and incentive compensation levels. Depending on your volume of business and the particular carriers, and customizable services needed, IAMS can offer you the highest compensation payouts.

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